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Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science

authoreditortitleyearhigher-level contexttypekeywordsdoi/ urlentrykey (id)sortkey
authoreditortitleyearhigher-level contexttypekeywordsdoi/ urlentrykeysortkey
Aaboe ABoardman J & Edwards I & Hammond N & Sollberger EBabylonian Mathematics, Astrology and AstronomyThe Cambridge Ancient History [CAH], vol. 3 [of 14]: The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and other States of the Near East, from the Eighth to the Sixth Centuries BC; ed. by Boardman et al.; pt. 2 (edn: 2)
ch.: 28b, pp. 276-292
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Aaboe AHodson FScientific Astronomy in AntiquityThe Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World: A Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy [PTRSL A 276]; ed. by Hodson
[=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences [PTRSL A], nr 276 (1257)]
pp. 21-42
Oxford: Royal Society
  • BM 34580,
  • BM 35933
Aaboe AHoskin MRemarks on the Theoretical Treatment of Eclipses in AntiquityJournal for the History of Astronomy [JHA], vol. 3 (), iss. 2
pp. 105-118
London: Science History Publications
  • BM 34705,
  • P Carlsberg 31,
  • BM 34597
Aaboe AKing D & Saliba GA Late-Babylonian Procedure Text for Mars, and Some Remarks on Retrograde ArcsAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 500 (), nr 1 [From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Mediaeval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy [Fs Kennedy]]
pp. 1-14
New York: Blackwell Publishing
  • BM 37024
Aaboe AMaeyama Y & Saltzer WA Computed Cuneiform Text for Mercury from Babylon: B.M. 48147Πρισματα (Prismata): Naturwissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift für Willy Hartner; ed. by Maeyama et al.
pp. 1-8
Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag
  • BM 48147
Aaboe ASteele J & Imhausen AOn Columns H and J in Babylonian Lunar Theory of System BUnder One Sky: Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East; ed. by Steele et al.
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 297]
pp. 1-4
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
Aaboe ASwerdlow NA New Mathematical Text from the Astronomical Archive in Babylon: BM 36849BAncient Astronomy and Celestial Divination; ed. by Swerdlow
[Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology ser.]
pp. 179-186
Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press
  • BM 36849
Aaboe AWhat every young person ought to know about naked-eye astronomy[undated]
Aaboe AEpisodes From the Early History of Astronomy. With 50 Figures[no parental ref.]
New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Aaboe AWhat Every Young Person Ought to Know About Naked-Eye AstronomyEpisodes From the Early History of Astronomy; by Aaboe
pp. 1-23
New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Aaboe AAncient Babylonian Astronomy: Review Essay of Three Books by Asger AaboeArchaeoastronomy: The Journal of the Center for Archaeoastronomy, vol. 7 ()
pp. 136-137
College Park, MD: Center for Archaeoastronomy, University of Maryland
Aaboe AObservation and Theory in Babylonian AstronomyCentaurus: International Magazine of the Historyof Science and Medicine, vol. 24 (), nr 1
pp. 14-35
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • Rm 718
Aaboe ALunar and Solar Velocities and the Length of Lunation Intervals in Babylonian AstronomyKongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, matematisk-fysiske meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 38, 6
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 36699,
  • BM 36793,
  • BM 36908,
  • BM 45930,
  • BM 46015
Aaboe AA Computed List of New Moons for 319 B.C. to 316 B.C. from Babylon: B.M. 40094Kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, matematisk-fysiske meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 37, 3
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 40094
Aaboe ASome Lunar Auxiliary Tables and Related Texts from the Late Babylonian PeriodKongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, matematisk-fysiske meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 36, 12
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 36311,
  • BM 36705,
  • BM 37484,
  • BM 36775,
  • BM 36824,
  • BM 36961,
  • BM 36994,
  • BM 37203,
  • BM 37600,
  • BM 40094
Aaboe AOn a Babylonian Scheme for Solar Motion of the System A VarietyCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 11 (), nr 3
pp. 302-303
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 36822
Aaboe AOn Period Relations in Babylonian AstronomyCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 10 (), nr 4
pp. 213-231
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • Almagest,
  • Ptolemy,
  • Handy Tables
Aaboe ASome Seleucid Mathematical Tables: (Extended Reciprocals and Squares of Regular Numbers)Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 19 (), nr 3
pp. 79-86
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • BM 41101,
  • BM 33567,
  • BM 32178,
  • BM 34592,
  • BM 45668,
  • BM 34875,
  • BM 34714,
  • BM 34578
Aaboe AA Seleucid Table of Daily Solar (?) PositionsJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 18 (), nr 2
pp. 31-34
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • BM 37089
Aaboe AOn a Greek Qualitative Planetary Model of the Epicyclic VarietyCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 9 (), nr 1
pp. 1-10
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • P Mich 149
Aaboe AOn the Tables of Planetary Visibility in the Almagest and the Handy TablesKongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, historisk-filosofiske meddelelser [KDVSHM], nr 37, 8
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
Aaboe AOn Babylonian Planetary TheoriesCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 5 (), nr 3-4
pp. 209-277
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • Almagest,
  • Ptolemy
Aaboe AOn the Babylonian Origin of some Hipparchian ParametersCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 4 (), nr 2
pp. 122-125
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • Almagest,
  • Ptolemy
Aaboe A & Britton J & Henderson J & Neugebauer O & Sachs ASaros Cycle Dates and Related Babylonian Astronomical TextsTransactions of the American Philosophical Society [TAPS], vol. 81 (), nr 6
pp. 1-75
Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society
  • BM 36910,
  • BM 37044,
  • BM 34597,
  • BM 36754,
  • BM 36651+,
  • BM 37162,
  • BM 36400,
  • BM 36737,
  • BM 36850
Aaboe A & Hamilton NContributions to the Study of Babylonian Lunar TheoryKongelige danske videnskabernes selskab, matematisk-fysiske meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 40, 6
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 33593,
  • BM 34083,
  • BM 34497,
  • BM 35231,
  • BM 36438+,
  • BM 37021,
  • BM 37375,
  • BM 40094,
  • BM 42685,
  • BM 45662,
  • BM 45688,
  • BM 45930,
  • BM 46015,
  • BM 77238
Aaboe A & Henderson JThe Babylonian Theory of Lunar Latitude and Eclipses According to System AArchives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences [AIHS], vol. 25 (), nr 97
pp. 181-222
Turnhout: Brepols
  • BM 32167+,
  • BM 32651,
  • BM 34079,
  • BM 34148,
  • BM 34833,
  • BM 40754,
  • BM 41467
Aaboe A & Huber PEllis MA Text Concerning Subdivision of the Synodic Motion of Venus from Babylon: BM 37151Essays on the Ancient Near East in the Memory of Jacob Joel Finkelstein [Fs Finkelstein]; ed. by Ellis
[=Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, nr 19]
pp. 1-4
Hamden, CT: Archon Books for the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • BM 37151,
  • BM 37249
Aaboe A & Price DTaton R & Cohen BQualitative Measurements in Antiquity: The Derivation of Accurate Parameters from Crude but Crucial ObservationsMélanges Alexandre Koyré: Publiés à l’occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire, vol. 1 [of 2]: L’aventure de la science [Fs Koyré 1]; ed. by Taton et al.
[=Histoire de la pensée, nr 12]
pp. 1-20
Paris: Hermann
Aaboe A & Sachs ATwo Lunar Texts of the Achaemenid Period from BabylonCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 14 (), nr 1
pp. 1-22
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 36599,
  • BM 36737,
  • BM 36822,
  • BM 47912
Aaboe A & Sachs ASome Dateless Computed Lists of Longitudes of Characteristic Planetary Phenomena from the Late-Babylonian PeriodJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 20 (), nr 1
pp. 1-33
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • BM 36300,
  • BM 36814,
  • BM 78080,
  • BM 36762,
  • BM 37174,
  • BM 32218,
  • BM 37474,
  • BM 36810,
  • BM 36811,
  • BM 36957,
  • BM 37236,
  • BM 37196
Abusch TCollins J & Fishbane MAscent to the Stars in a Mesopotamian Ritual: Social Metaphor and Religious ExperienceDeath, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys: Essays by Men and Women; ed. by Collins et al.
[SUNY Series in Religious Studies ser.]
pp. 15-39
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
Adelmann H[Untitled]
The Philosophical Review, vol. 52 (), nr 2
pp. 204-205
Durham: Duke University Press
Ahnert PAstronomisch-chronologische Tafeln für Sonne, Mond und Planeten
(edn: 7)
[no parental ref.]
Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth
Airy GOn the Eclipses of Agathocles, Thales, and XerxesPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [PTRSL], vol. 143 ()
pp. 179-200
Royal Society
Aistleitner JEin Opfertext aus Ugarit (Nr. 53) mit Exkurs über kosmologische Beziehungen der ugaritischen MythologieActa Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae [ActaOrHung], vol. 5 (), iss. 1/2
pp. 1-23
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó
Albani MAstronomie und Schöpfungsglaube: Untersuchungen zum astronomischen HenochbuchWissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, nr 68
Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag
Albani MDie lunaren Zyklen im 364-Tage-Festkalender von 4QMischmerot/4QSeMitteilungen und Beiträge der Forschungsstelle Judentum an der Theologischen Fakultät Leipzig, vol. 4 ()
pp. 3-47
Leipzig: Thomas-Verlag
Albani M & Glessmer UUn instrument de mesures astronomiques à QumrânRevue Biblique [RB], vol. 104 (), nr 1
pp. 88-115
Paris: Gabalda
Albright WA Revision of Early Assyrian and Middle Babylonian ChronologyRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 18 (), nr 2
pp. 83-94
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
Allen RStar-Names and Their Meanings[no parental ref.]
New York, Leipzig, London, and Paris: G. E. Stechert
Allinger-Csollich WDeutsches Archäologisches Institut ABirs Nimrud I: Die Baukörper der Ziqqurat von Borsippa, ein VorberichtBaghdader Mitteilungen [BaM], vol. 22 ()
pp. 383-499
Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag
Allinger-Csollich WDeutsches Archäologisches Institut OBirs Nimrud II: „Tieftempel“, „Hochtempel“ (Vergleichende Studien: Borsippa-Babylon)Baghdader Mitteilungen [BaM], vol. 29 ()
pp. 95-330
Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag
Allinger-Csollich WRollinger RDie Größe und Lage der Heiligtümer in Esagil von Babylon: Eine Quelle zur Frage von Kontinuität oder Wandel in Kult und Wirtschaft des achaimenidischen BabylonVon Sumer bis Homer: Festschrift für Manfred Schretter zum 60. Geburtstag am 25. Februar 2004 [Fs Schretter]; ed. by Rollinger
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 325]
pp. 7-20
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
Allinger-Csollich W & Ferstl W & Lukas W & Purtscheller F & Tessadri RVendl A & Pichler B & Weber J & Banik GForschungsarbeiten an der Ziqqurrat von Borsippa im Iraq. 1. Die Ausgrabungen in Borsippa (1.1 Die Stadt Borsippa; 1.2 Der Stufenturm von Borsippa; 1.3 Der Brand auf dem Birs Numrud)
Wiener Berichte über Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst: Jahresschrift über Forschung im Grenzgebiet von Naturwissenschaft, Kunst, Archäologie und Ethnologie (), nr 2-3
pp. 308-342
Vienna: Orac-Sachbuchverlag
Al-Rawi F & George ATablets from the Sippar Library XIII: “Enūma Anu Ellil” XXIraq, vol. 68 ()
pp. 23-57
London: British Institute for the Study of Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial)
  • IM 124485,
  • Uruk IV 162
Al-Rawi F & George AEnūma Anu Enlil XIV and Other Early Astronomical Tables
Archiv für Orientforschung [AfO], vol. 38/39 ()
pp. 52-73
Vienna: Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO)/Institut für Orientalistik
  • K 6427,
  • K 12658,
  • K 12296,
  • 80-7-19.273,
  • 81-7-27.60,
  • BM 40592 = BM 139426,
  • BM 45821,
  • BM 46093,
  • BM 46215,
  • K 90,
  • BM 37127
Al-Rawi F & Roughton NIM 44152: A Jupiter Observational Tablet from Uruk
Archiv für Orientforschung [AfO], vol. 50 ()
pp. 340-344
Vienna: Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO)/Institut für Orientalistik
  • IM 44152
Alster BEichler BEarly Patterns in Mesopotamian LiteratureKramer Anniversary Volume: Cuneiform Studies in Honor of Samuel Noah Kramer [Fs Kramer]; ed. by Eichler
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 25]
pp. 13-24
Kevelaer and Neukirchen-Vluyn: Butzon & Bercker and Neukirchener Verlag
Alster BOn the Interpretation of the Sumerian Myth “Inanna and Enki”Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 64 (), nr 1
pp. 20-34
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • PBS 1.1
Alster BThe Paradigmatic Character of Mesopotamian HeroesRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 68 (), nr 1
pp. 49-60
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • AbS-T 171
Ambühl A & Markovska D & Milnor KP. Mich. Inv. 29: Two Astrological TreatisesZeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik [ZPE], vol. 105 ()
pp. 229-236
Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt
Amiet P[Untitled]Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 92 (), nr 2 [Actes de la table ronde, «Les Traditions Amorrites et la Bible» (suite)]
pp. 187-188
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
Amiet PLe symbolisme cosmique du répertoire animalier en MésopotamieRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 50 (), nr 3
pp. 113-126
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • CBS 16287
Amiet PProblèmes d’iconographie mésopotamienne (II): Déesse nue et déesse ailéeRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 48 (), nr 1
pp. 32-36
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • BM 89089,
  • AO 10434,
  • Morgan-Porada 220,
  • UE 10:92
Andrae WDas wiedererstandene Assur. Mit 86 Tafeln [davon 1 farbige] und 82 Textabbildungen sowie 1 Plan von AssurSendschrift der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, nr 9
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Verlag
André-Salvini BAndré-Salvini BCompte rendu d’observations astronomiques: Présage et récit de la bataille de Gaugamèles entre Alexandre le grand et Darios III CodomanBabylone; ed. by André-Salvini (edn: 2)
[=Que sais-je? Histoire-géographie, nr 292]
pp. 293
Paris: Hazan and Musee du Louvre
André-Salvini BBriquel-Chatonnet F & Lozachmeur HLa conscience du temps en MésopotamieAntiquités sémitiques, vol. 3: Proche-Orient ancien: temps vécu, temps pensé: Actes de la Table-Ronde du 15 novembre 1997 organisée par l’URA 1062 “Études Sémitiques”; ed. by Briquel-Chatonnet et al.
pp. 29-37
Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Oriente Adrien Maisonneuve, Jean Maisonneuve succ.
Annus AThe God Ninurta in the Mythology and Royal Ideology of Ancient Mesopotamia
ch.: 3: Ninurta as Star and Arrow, pp. 133-139
State Archives of Assyria Studies [SAAS], nr 14
Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project (NATCP)
Archenhold SUeber die Identificierungsversuche des Kakkab mišrî der AssyrerZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 2 ()
pp. 439-444
Leipzig: Otto Schulze
Arhipov I & Lâpustina E & Solomatina E & Stepancov SSaprykin SUkazatel’ materialov, opublikovannykh v “Vestnike drevney istorii” v 1937-2012 gg [VDI Index][no parental ref.]
Moscow: Institút vseóbshchey istórii RAN (IVI RAN)
Arnaud DL’édition ougaritaine de la série astrologique “Eclipses du dieu-Soleil”. The Ugaritic edition of the astrological series The eclipses of the Sun-God Semitica: Cahiers publiés par l’Institut d’Etudes Sémitiques du Collège de France, avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, vol. 45 ()
pp. 7-18
Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Oriente Adrien Maisonneuve, Jean Maisonneuve succ.
Ashfaque SConstellations in the Harappan sealsPakistan Archaeology, vol. 10-22 ()
pp. 135-167
Asimov IAsimov’s Guide to the Bible: Two Volumes in One, the Old and New Testaments
[2 vol.s] (edn: Reprint)
[no parental ref.]
New York and Avenel, NJ: Wings Books
Assar GParthian Calendars at Babylon and Seleucia on the TigrisIran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, vol. 41 ()
pp. 171-191
London and Tehran: British Institute of Persian Studies
  • MLC 1737 = BRM 2.99,
  • MLC 2122,
  • A 2527,
  • BM 34035,
  • LBAT 1193,
  • LBAT 1194,
  • LBAT 1195,
  • BM 87241,
  • BM 12833,
  • BM 34597 = LBAT 1428,
  • BM 16927,
  • BM 16925,
  • BM 16568,
  • BM 78948,
  • BM 79012,
  • BM 22022,
  • BM 40591,
  • BM 33998 = Sp 94,
  • BM 109941,
  • BM 32286,
  • BM 33985,
  • BM 35603,
  • BM 35495 + BM 40102 + BM 46176,
  • BM 34035,
  • BM 34042
Astey Vázquez LEnuma Elish: El poema de la creación Poesía en el mundo, nr 9
Monterrey: Ediciones Sierra Madre
Azarpay G & Kilmer AThe Eclipse Dragon on an Arabic Frontispiece-Miniature: With A Note on the Babylonian Mythological Explanation of the Lunar Eclipse
Journal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 98 (), nr 4
pp. 363-374
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
  • VAT 7847,
  • VAT 7851,
  • VAT 7851,
  • CT 16.19 + CT 16.20 + CT 16.21 + CT 16.22 + CT 16.23
Baehr UTafeln zur Behandlung chronologischer Probleme, Teil I-IIIVeröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Institutes Heidelberg, nr 3
Karlsruhe: Verlag G. Braun
Bagnall R[Untitled]The Classical Review [ClR], ser. newseries, vol. 51 (), nr 1
pp. 187-188
Baigent MFrom the Omens of Babylon: Astrology and Ancient Mesopotamia[no parental ref.]
London: Arkana
Baily FOn the Solar Eclipse Which is Said to Have been Predicted by ThalesPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [PTRSL], vol. 101 ()
pp. 220-241
London: Royal Society
Baird A[Untitled]The Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. 32 (), nr 9
pp. 429-435
Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Geographical Society
Baldet FListe générale des comètes de l’origine à 1948Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes pour l’an 1950 ()
pp. B.1-B.86
Paris: Gauthier-Villars
  • /
Baldet F & de Obaldia GCatalogue général des orbites de comètes de l’an -466 à 1952[no parental ref.]
Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Banjević BKnezevic ZAncient Eclipses and Dating the Fall of BabylonPublications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade [PAOB], vol. 80 ()
pp. 251-257
Belgrade: Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
  • EAE 63 = Venus tablet,
  • EAE 20,
  • EAE 21,
  • HC-A 25-115
Banjević BPopović L & Dačić MSome Astronomical Dates in Ancient Egypt and Babylon Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade [PAOB], vol. 65 () [Proceedings of the XII National Conference of Yugoslav Astronomers and International Workshop on the Development of Astronomical Databases, held 19-21 November, 1999 in Belgrade]
pp. 153-158
Belgrade: Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
  • Venus Tablet
Barrelet MTaureaux et symbolique solaireRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 48 (), nr 1
pp. 16-27
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • AO 11449
Barton GThe Babylonian Epic of Creation (1923), Langdon S [Review]Journal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 45 ()
pp. 179-181
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Barton GKugler’s Criterion for Determining the Order of the Months in the Earliest Babylonian CalendarJournal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 33 ()
pp. 297-305
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Barton GJastrow’s Religion of Babylonia and AssyriaThe American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures [AJSL], vol. 15 (), nr 4
pp. 244-247
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Barton GThe Semitic Ištar CultHebraica, vol. 9 (), nr 3/4
pp. 131-165
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Barton GThe Semitic Ištar Cult (Continued)Hebraica, vol. 10 (), nr 1/2
pp. 1-74
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Barton GTiamatJournal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 15 ()
pp. 1-27
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Barton TFrench RAncient AstrologySciences of Antiquity Series ser.
London and New York: Routledge
Basello GPanaino A & Pettinato GBabylonia and Elam: The Evidence of the CalendarsIdeologies as Intercultural Phenomena: Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project, held in Chicago, USA, October 27-31, 2000; ed. by Panaino et al.
[=Melammu Symposia, nr 3]
pp. 13-36
Milan: Università di Bologna and Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente
Bauer TEine Sammlung von Himmelsvorzeichen. Schwer zugängliche russische Veröffentlichungen altbabylonischer Texte, 2 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 43 (), nr 1-4 [Neue Folge: 9]
pp. 308-314
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Baumgarten J[Untitled]AJS Review, vol. 27 (), nr 2
pp. 316-319
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Baumgartner AJoseph Epping. Appendix Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 9 ()
pp. 443-450
Weimar: Emil Felber
Beaulieu PBaker H & Jursa MEanna’s Contribution to the Construction of the North Palace at BabylonVeröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Babyloniens im 1. Jt. v.Chr., vol. 2: Approaching the Babylonian economy: Proceedings of the START Project symposium held in Vienna, 1-3 July 2004; ed. by Baker et al.
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 330]
pp. 45-73
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
Beaulieu PBriant P & Joannès FDe l’Esagil au Mouseion: L’organisation de la recherche scientifique au IVe siecle avant J.-CLa transition entre l’empire achéménide et les royaumes hellénistiques (vers 350-300 av. J.-C.): Actes du colloque organisé au Collège de France par la “Chaire d’histoire et civilisation du monde achéménide et de l’empire d’Alexandre” et le “Réseau internationald’études et de recherches achéménides” (GDR 2538 CNRS), 22-23 novembre 2004, sous la direction de Pierre Briant et Francis Joannès; ed. by Briant et al.
[=Persika, nr 9]
pp. 17-36
Paris: Éditions de Boccard
Beaulieu PGuinan A & Ellis M & Ferrara A et al.The Astronomers of the Esagil Temple in the Fourth Century BCIf a Man Builds a Joyful House: Assyriological Studies in Honor of Erle Verdun Leichty [Fs Leichty]; ed. by Guinan et al.
[=Cuneiform Monographs [CM], nr 31]
pp. 5-22
Leiden: Brill
Beaulieu PMarzahn J & Neumann HThe Descendants of Sin-Leqi-UnninniAssyriologica et Semitica: Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 18. Februar 1997 [Fs Oelsner]; ed. by Marzahn et al.
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 252]
pp. 1-16
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
Beaulieu PMesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology (2000), Brown D [Review]Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 92 (), nr 1
pp. 153-155
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Beaulieu PThe Babylonian Man in the MoonJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 51 ()
pp. 91-99
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • VAT 7851,
  • VAT 7847,
  • AO 6448,
  • KAR 307,
  • STC 2.67 + STC 2.68,
  • KAR 6,
  • CT 13.33 + CT 13.34,
  • CT 16.19 + CT 16.20 + CT 16.21 + CT 16.22 + CT 16.23
Beaulieu P[Untitled]Bibliotheca Orientalis [BiOr], vol. 53 ()
pp. 744-749
Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO)
Beaulieu PAn Episode in the Fall of Babylon to the PersiansJournal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 52 (), nr 4
pp. 241-261
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • YOS 3 145,
  • BM 67304,
  • TCL 12 120
Beaulieu PThe Impact of Month-lengths on the Neo-Babylonian Cultic CalendarZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 83 (), nr 1
pp. 66-87
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • NCBT 58,
  • NCBT 1132
Beaulieu PNew Light on Secret Knowledge in Late Babylonian CultureZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 82 (), nr 1
pp. 98-111
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • YOS 19.110
Beaulieu P & Britton JRituals for an Eclipse Possibility in the 8th Year of CyrusJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 46 ()
pp. 73-86
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • YNER 1.5,
  • LAS 278,
  • BRM 4.6
Beaulieu P & Rochberg FThe Horoscope of Anu-BēlšunuJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 48 ()
pp. 89-94
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • NCBT 1231
Beaulieu Paul-Alain F & Steele JThe Cuneiform Uranology Texts, pt. 2: Drawing the ConstellationsTransactions of the American Philosophical Society, nr 107
Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press
Becker UBabylonische Sternbilder und Sternnamen, Teil IWissenschaft und Fortschritt: Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäres Denken. bisher WiFo: Wissenschaft und Fortschritt [WiFo], vol. 42 (), nr 1
pp. 235-237
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag
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Beckman GArmstrong J & Warburton DHittite ChronologyJust in Time: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology (2nd Millennium BC), Ghent 7-9 July 2000; ed. by Armstrong et al.
[=Akkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin [Akkadica], nr 119-120]
pp. 19-32
Brussels: Assyriological Center Georges Dossin
Beckman GMonth XIINouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires [NABU], vol. 46 (), nr 3
pp. 52
  • YBC 10547
Belmonte J & González-García ARuggles CPetra and the NabataeansHandbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy III; ed. by Ruggles; pt. XI, Ancient Near East
ch.: 166, pp. 1813-1821
New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, and London: Springer Science
Belmonte J & González-García A & Polcaro ALight and Shadows over Petra: Astronomy and Landscape in Nabataean LandsNexus Network Journal: Architecture and Mathematics, vol. 15 (), nr 3
pp. 487-501
New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht and London: Springer Science
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Belser CDelitzsch F & Haupt PBabylonische Kudurru-Inschriften (Mit 24 Tafeln, autographiert von F. H. Weissbach)Beiträge zur Assyriologie und vergleichenden semitischen Sprachwissenschaft [BA], vol. 2 ()
pp. 111-203
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung
Ben-Dov JBen-Dov Jonathan H & Steele JLunar Calendars at Qumran?: A Comparative and Ideological StudyLiving the Lunar Calendar: Time, Text and Tradition; ed. by Ben-Dov Jonathan et al.
pp. 173-189
Oxford: Oxbow Books
Ben-Dov JBoccaccini GExegetical Notes on Cosmology in the Parables of EnochEnoch and the Messiah Son of Man: Revisiting the Book of Parables; ed. by Boccaccini
pp. 143-150
Grand Rapids, MI and Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Ben-Dov JFrey J & Claußen C & Kessler NThe Qumran Dial: Artifact, Text, and ContextQumran und die Archäologie: Texte und Kontexte; ed. by Frey et al.
[=Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, I. Reihe [WUNT I], nr 278]
pp. 211-237
Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck
Ben-Dov JGabbay U & Secunda STime and Culture: Mesopotamian Calendars in Jewish Sources from the Bible to the MishnahEncounters by the Rivers of Babylon: Scholarly Conversations Between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians in Antiquity; ed. by Gabbay et al.
[=Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, nr 160]
pp. 217-254
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
Ben-Dov JRuggles CAstronomy and Calendars at QumranHandbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy 3; ed. by Ruggles; pt. XI, Ancient Near East
ch.: 178, pp. 1895-1899
New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, and London: Springer Science
Ben-Dov JRuggles CAstronomy in the Book of EnochHandbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, vol. 3: Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy 3; ed. by Ruggles; pt. XI, Ancient Near East
ch.: 177, pp. 1890-1893
New York and Berlin and Heidelberg and Dordrecht and London: Springer Science
Ben-Dov JSteele JThe 364-day Year in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Jewish PseudepigraphaCalendars and Years, vol. 2: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World; ed. by Steele
pp. 69-105
Oxford: Oxbow Books
Ben-Dov JStrawn BCalendar and FestivalsOxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Law 1: Adm-Lit; ed. by Strawn
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Ben-Dov JNeo-Assyrian Astronomical Terminology in the Babylonian TalmudJournal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 130 (), nr 2
pp. 267-270
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
  • Talmud,
  • ADRT
Ben-Dov JHead of All Years: Astronomy and Calendars at Qumran in their Ancient ContextStudies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, nr 78
Leiden and Boston: Brill
Ben-Dov JThe Initial Stages of Lunar Theory at QumranJournal of Jewish Studies [JJS], vol. 54 (), nr 1
pp. 125-138
Oxford: Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Ben-Dov J & Horowitz WBen-Dov J & Kister MThe 364-Day Year in Mesopotamia and QumranMeghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, vol. 1 ()
pp. 3-26
Jerusalem: Bialik Institute
Ben-Dov J & Horowitz WThe Babylonian Lunar Three in Calendrical Scrolls from QumranZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 95 (), nr 1-2
pp. 104-120
Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter
  • 4 Q 317,
  • 4 Q 320,
  • 4 Q 321,
  • 4 Q 321a,
  • BM 32327 + BM 32340
Ben-Dov J & Ratzon EThe Oath and the Name in 1 Enoch 69Journal of Semitic Studies [JSS], vol. 60 (), nr 1
pp. 19-51
Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Enoch
Ben-Dov J & Saulnier SQumran Calendars: A Survey of Scholarship 1980-2007Currents in Biblical Research [CBR], vol. 7 (), nr 1
pp. 124-168
Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, and Washington DC: SAGE Publications
  • Qumran
Ben-Menahem ACross-Dating of Biblical History via Singular Astronomical and Geophysical Events over the Ancient Near EastQuarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society [QJRAS], vol. 33 (), nr 3
pp. 175-190
London: Blackwell
  • /
Berger PBautz TKugler, Franz Xaver (1862-1929): Nachschlagewerk mit aktuellen NachträgenBiographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon IV: Kleist-Leyden [BBKL 4]; ed. by Bautz
pp. 780-782
Herzberg: Verlag Traugott Bautz
Berger PFinet ADas Neujahrsfest nach den Königsinschriften des ausgehenden babylonischen ReichesActes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Universit Libre de Bruxelles, 30 juin-4 juillet 1969 [RAI 17 Proceedings]; ed. by Finet
[=Publications du Comité Belge de Recherches Historiques, Epigraphiques et Archeologiques en Mesopotamie, nr 1]
pp. 155-159
Ham-sur-Heure: Comité Belge de Recherches en Mesopotamie
Berger PGalter HImaginäre Astrologie in spätbabylonischer PropagandaDie Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens. Beiträge zum 3. Grazer Morgenländischen Symposion (23.–27. September 1991); ed. by Galter
[=Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr 3]
pp. 275-289
Graz: RM Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Berggren JEpisodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam
(edn: 2)
[no parental ref.]
New York: Springer Science
Berktold MRollinger RDie Astronomischen Tagebücher: Eine Quelle zur Frage von Kontinuität oder Wandel in Kult und Wirtschaft des achaimenidischen BabylonVon Sumer bis Homer: Festschrift für Manfred Schretter zum 60. Geburtstag am 25. Februar 2004 [Fs Schretter]; ed. by Rollinger
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 325]
pp. 105-152
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
Bernsen LOn the Construction of Column B in System A of the Astronomical Cuneiform TextsCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 14 (), nr 1
pp. 23-28
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • /
Bertin GBirch S & Sayce AAkkadian Hymn to the Setting SunRecords of the Past, new series, Vol. 2: Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia; ed. by Birch et al.
pp. 190-193
London: Samuel Bagster & Sons
Bertin GBabylonian AstronomyThe Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 31 (), nr 777
pp. 223
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Bertin GThe Babylonian ZodiacThe Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 31 (), nr 768
pp. 63
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Bertin GAnalyse d’un hymne au soleil couchantRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 1 (), nr 4
pp. 157-161
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • Sp 111 = BM 33328 + BM 36041
Bezold CAssyriologische RandbemerkungenZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 32 (), nr 1-2
pp. 206-220
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Bezold CDie Angaben der babylonisch-assyrischen Keilinschriften. Vorgelegt am 1. Juli 1916Antike Beobachtungen farbiger Sterne; by Boll et al.
[=Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-philologische und historische Klasse [ABAW phil.-hist. Kl.], nr 30,1]
pp. 97-155
Munich: Verlag der Königlichen Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission des G. Franz’schen Verlags (J. Roth)
Bezold CAus einem Briefe des Herrn Prof. August KopffZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 28 ()
pp. 352-361
Strasbourg: Verlag Karl J. Trübner
Bezold CAstronomie, Himmelsschau und Astrallehre bei den Babyloniern: (Vortrag, gehalten in der Sitzung der Gesamtakademie am 3. Dezember 1910). Eingegangen am 28. März 1911 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Stiftung Heinrich Lanz, Philosophisch-historische Klasse [SHAW phil.hist. Kl.], vol. 2 ()
Heidelberg: Carl Winter`s Universitätsbuchandlung
Bezold CA New Text concerning the Star kak-si-diProceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology [PSBA], vol. 10 (), nr 5
pp. 265; pl.I-III
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
Bezold CEine assyrische “Hemerologie”Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 3 ()
pp. 243-248
Leipzig: Otto Schulze Verlag
Bezold CNachtragZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 3 ()
pp. 249-250
Leipzig: Otto Schulze Verlag
Bezold CEine Bemerkung zur Antares-LiteraturZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete [ZA], vol. 2 ()
pp. 445-447
Leipzig: Otto Schulze Verlag
Bezold C & Boll FReflexe astrologischer Keilinschriften bei griechischen Schriftstellern. Eingegangen am 19. Juni 1911 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Stiftung Heinrich Lanz, Philosophisch-historische Klasse [SHAW phil.hist. Kl.] (), nr 7
Heidelberg: Carl Winter`s Universitätsbuchandlung
Bezold C & Boll F & Kopff AZenit- und Aequatorialgestirne am babylonischen Fixsternhimmel. Eingegangen am 19. August 1913 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Stiftung Heinrich Lanz, Philosophisch-historische Klasse [SHAW phil.hist. Kl.] (), nr 11
Heidelberg: Carl Winter`s Universitätsbuchandlung
Bidez JLes ecoles chaldéennes sous Alexandre et les SéleucidesAnnuaire de l’Institut de philologie et d’histoire orientales de l’Université libre de Bruxelles, vol. 3 () [Volume offert à Jean Capart [Fs Capart]]
pp. 41-89
Brussels: Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire orientales et slaves
Biggs RRochberg-Halton FBabylonian Prophecies, Astrology, and a New Source for “Prophecy Text B”Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner [Fs Reiner]; ed. by Rochberg-Halton
[=American Oriental Series [AOS], nr 67]
pp. 1-14
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 125 (), nr 1
pp. 149-150
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 63 (), nr 1
pp. 49-50
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 62 (), nr 4
pp. 284-286
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 56 (), nr 4
pp. 290-292
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 55 (), nr 3
pp. 241-242
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 55 (), nr 3
pp. 243-244
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs RThe Babylonian PropheciesBulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies [BSMS], vol. 23 ()
pp. 17-20
Toronto: Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 50 (), nr 1
pp. 63-65
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs RThe Babylonian Prophecies and the Astrological Traditions of MesopotamiaJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 37 (), nr 1
pp. 86-90
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • KAR 421
Biggs R[Untitled]Journal of Near Eastern Studies [JNES], vol. 30 (), nr 1
pp. 73-74
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Biggs RAn Esoteric Babylonian CommentaryRevue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale [RA], vol. 62 (), nr 1
pp. 51-58
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
  • BM 34647 = LBAT 1601
Biggs RMore Babylonian “Prophecies”Iraq, vol. 29 (), nr 2
pp. 117-132
The British Institute for the Study of Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial)
  • CT 13.50,
  • KAR 421,
  • A 32332 = 9 NT 21,
  • K 7861
Bjorkman JAssyriological Footnotes To “Meteors and Meteorites in the Ancient near East”[undated]
Bjorkman JMeteors and Meteorites in the Ancient Near EastMeteoritics and Planetary Science, vol. 8 (), nr 2
pp. 91-130
Oxford: Blackwell
  • /
Black JHellenistic Cuneiform Writing from Assyria: The Tablet from Tell Fisnaal-rāfidān: Journal of Western Asiatic Studies, vol. 18 ()
pp. 229-239
Black JThe New Year Ceremonies in Ancient Babylon: “Taking Bel by the Hand” and a Cultic PicnicReligion, vol. 11 (), nr 1
pp. 39-59
London: Academic Press
Blagg MVisibility of the Phase of Venus and the Pleiades. [Part of “Correspondence”.216-220] Journal of the British Astronomical Association [JBAA], vol. 19 ()
pp. 218-219
Edinburgh: Neill & Company
Bloch YBen-Dov Jonathan H & Steele JMiddle Assyrian Lunar Calendar and ChronologyLiving the Lunar Calendar: Time, Text and Tradition; ed. by Ben-Dov Jonathan et al.
pp. 19-61
Oxford: Oxbow Books
Bloch Y & Horowitz WURA = ḪUBULLU XXII: The Standard RecensionJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 67 ()
pp. 71-125
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
Bobrova L & Militarev AGalter HFrom Mesopotamia to Greece: On the Origin of Semitic and Greek Star NamesDie Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens; ed. by Galter
[=Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr 3]
pp. 307-329
Graz: RM Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Bobrovnikoff N[Untitled]Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society, vol. 40 (), nr 1
pp. 79-81
University of Chicago Press
Böck B[Untitled]Orientalistische Literaturzeitung [OLZ], vol. 97 (), nr 3
pp. 362-364
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag
Böck B[Untitled]Aula Orientalis: Revista de Estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo [AuOr], vol. 14 (), nr 1
pp. 145-147
Barcelona: Editorial Ausa
Boese J & Wilhelm GAššur-dān I., Ninurta-apil-Ekur und die mittelassyrische ChronologieWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes [WZKM], vol. 71 ()
pp. 19-38
Vienna: Verlag des Instituts für Orientalistik
Böhl FNieuwjaarsfeest en koningsdag in Babylon en in Israël: Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het Hoogleeraarsambt aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden op 23 November 1927[no parental ref.]
Groningen and Den Haag: J.B. Wolters
Boissier ADocuments assyriens relatifs aux présages[no parental ref.]
Paris: Emile Bouillon
Boissier A[Untitled]Babyloniaca: Études de philologie assyro-babylonienne, vol. 4 ()
pp. 81-93
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner
Boiy TDemarée R & Veenhof KBabylonië, 150-125 v.Chr.: Van Seleukidische naar Parthische overheersingZij schreven geschiedenis: Historische documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten (2500–100 v. Chr.); ed. by Demarée et al.
[=Mededelingen en verhandelingen van het vooraziatisch-egyptisch genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, nr 33]
pp. 459-469
Leiden and Leuven: Ex Oriente Lux and Peeters Publishers
Boiy TLate Achaemenid and Hellenistic BabylonOrientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, nr 136
Leuven: Peeters Publishers
Boiy TAstronomische dagboeken en babylonische geschiedenisPhoenix: Bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, vol. 49 (), nr 3
pp. 112-126
Leiden: Ex Oriente Lux
Boiy TDating Problems in Cuneiform Tablets Concerning the Reign of Antigonus MonopthalmusJournal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 121) (), nr 4
pp. 645-649
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
  • BM 34576
Boiy TDating Methods during the Early Hellenistic PeriodJournal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 52 ()
pp. 115-121
The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • LBAT 1428,
  • BaM Beih 2-88,
  • Iraq 16-pl.53,
  • BM 87241,
  • BM 79012,
  • BM 78948,
  • CT 49.13,
  • BM 79012
Boiy TBM 59748, 28.XIIa.43 SE: An Exception to the Babylonian Intercalary Cycle?Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires [NABU] (), nr 5
pp. 6-7
  • BM 59748 = 82-7-14.4158
Böker R
Babylonische Beobachtung des PerseidenradiantenDie Sterne: Zeitschrift für alle Gebiete der Himmelskunde, vol. 30 (), nr 9-10
pp. 178-181
Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag
Bolger DBronze Age Chronology: Paul Åström (ed.): High, Middle or Low? Acts of an International Colloquium on Absolute Chronology held at the University of Gothenburg, 20-22 August 1987. (SIMA Pocketbooks, 56, 57, 80.) 3 VolsThe Classical Review [ClR], ser. newseries, vol. 41 (), nr 2
pp. 426-429
Boll FNeues zur babylonischen PlanetenordnungZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete: Fachzeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft [ZA], vol. 28 () [Jahresband 1914]
pp. 340-351
Strasbourg: Verlag Karl J. Trübner
Boll FZur babylonischen PlanetenordnungZeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete: Fachzeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft [ZA], vol. 25 (), nr 3-4
pp. 372-376
Strasbourg: Verlag Karl J. Trübner
Boll FDie Erforschung der antiken Astrologie: Vortrag, gehalten auf der 49. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner in BaselNeue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur [Neue Jahrbücher], vol. 11 (), nr 21 [Elfter Jahrgang]
pp. 103-126
Leipzig: B. G. Teubner
Boll F & Bezold CAntike Beobachtungen farbiger Sterne. Vorgelegt am 1. Juli 1916Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-philologische und historische Klasse [ABAW phil.-hist. Kl.], nr 30,1
Munich: Verlag der Königlichen Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission G. Franz’scher Verlag der Königlichen Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission des G. Franz’schen Verlags (J. Roth)
Boncquet JDiodorus Siculus (II, 1-34) over Mesopotamië: Een historische KommentaarVerhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, vol. 49,122
Brussels: Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Bond A & Hempsell MA Sumerian Observation of the Köfels’ Impact Event[no parental ref.]
London: Alcuin Academics
  • K 8538
Bonechi MOn the III and II Millennium Month Names from *qsy, “to be cold”Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires [NABU] (), nr 93
pp. 81
  • /
Borger RBeek M & Kampman A & Nijland C & Ryckmans JKeilschrifttexte verschiedenen InhaltsSymbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Böhl dedicatae [Fs Böhl]; ed. by Beek et al.
[=NINO Studia Francisci Scholten Memoriae Dicata, nr 4]
pp. 38-55
Leiden: Brill
  • LB 1321
Borger RSupplement zu Band I. Anhang: Zur Kuyunjik-SammlungHandbuch der Keilschriftliteratur [HKL], vol. 2 [of 3]
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Borger RInhaltliche Ordnung der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte. Anhang: Sekundärliteratur in AuswahlHandbuch der Keilschriftliteratur [HKL], vol. 3 [of 3]
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Borger RDas dritte “Haus” der Serie bīt rimki (VR 50-51, Schollmeyer HGŠ NR. 1)Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 21 () [Special Volume Honoring Professor Albrecht Goetze [Fs Goetze]]
pp. 1-17
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • K 4872 + Rm 110,
  • K 3138 + K 4816A,
  • K 3462,
  • K 3927,
  • K 4610 + K 4881,
  • K 4654 + Rm 2 213,
  • K 4830 + Sm 133 + Sm 139,
  • K 4922 + K 11953,
  • K 4986,
  • K 5069 + K 5250,
  • K 5135,
  • K 5248,
  • K 8934,
  • Sm 166 + Sm 600 + Sm 845 + Sm 1461 + Sm 1466 + Sm 1567 + Sm 2062,
  • Sm 728,
  • LKA 75,
  • BM 40807 = 81-2-4.353
Borger RRepertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen TexteHandbuch der Keilschriftliteratur [HKL], vol. 1 [of 3]
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Bosanquet JChronological Remarks on the History of Esther and Ahasuerus, or ‘Atossa and Tanu-Axeres. Part 1 Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology [Trans. Soc. Bib. Arch.], vol. 5 ()
pp. 225-292
London: Longmans, Greens, Reader & Dyer
Bosanquet JChronological Remarks on the History of Esther and Ahasuerus, or ‘Atossa and Tanu-Axeres. Part 1 [no parental ref.]
London: Harrison and Sons
Bosanquet JSynchronous History of the Reign of: Tiglath-Pileser and Azariah, Shalmanezer and Jotham, Sargon and Ahaz, Sennacherib and Hezekiah, From B.C. 745 to 688 [Synchronous History of Assyria and Judea] Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology [Trans. Soc. Bib. Arch.], vol. 3 ()
pp. 1-82
London: Longmans, Greens, Reader & Dyer
Bosanquet JOn the Date of the Fall of Nineveh, and the Beginning of the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon, B.C. 581 Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology [Trans. Soc. Bib. Arch.], vol. 2 ()
pp. 147-178
London: Longmans, Greens, Reader & Dyer
Bosanquet R & Sayce AThe Babylonian Astronomy No. 2Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [MNRAS], vol. 40 (), nr 3
pp. 105-123
Oxford: Royal Astronomical Society
  • Astrolabe B,
  • K 8538,
  • 3 R 63
Bosanquet R & Sayce AThe Babylonian Astronomy No. 3Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [MNRAS], vol. 40 (), nr 9
pp. 565-578
Oxford: Royal Astronomical Society
  • Astrolabe B,
  • K 8538,
  • 3 R 63
Bosanquet R & Sayce APreliminary Paper on the Babylonian AstronomyMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [MNRAS], vol. 39 (), nr 8
pp. 454-461
Oxford: Royal Astronomical Society
Boscawen WAppleton CThe Babylonian Creation Legends 3The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 14 (), nr 325
pp. 90-91
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Boscawen WAppleton CThe Babylonian Creation Legends 4The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 14 (), nr 332
pp. 269-270
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Boscawen WAppleton CThe Babylonian Creation Legends 1The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 12 (), nr 278
pp. 219-220
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Boscawen WAppleton CThe Babylonian Creation Legends 2The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 12 (), nr 283
pp. 344-345
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Boscawen WAppleton CThe Canon of Ptolemy and the Babylonian TabletsThe Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 11 (), nr 263
pp. 439-440
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Boscawen WThe Babylonian and Jewish FestivalsThe Babylonian & Oriental Record: A Monthly Magazine of the Antiquities of the East [BOR], vol. 4 ()
pp. 34-38
London: David Nutt and Lucak & Co.
Boscawen WA Babylonian CalendarThe Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 12 (), nr 289
pp. 472-473
London: Academy Publishing Co.
Botley CReferences to Ancient CometsJournal of the British Astronomical Association [JBAA], vol. 93 ()
pp. 38
Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • /
Bottéro JBakhouche B & Moreau A & Turpin JL’astrologie mésopotamienne: L’astrologie dans son plus vieil étatLes astres. Actes du Colloque International de Montpellier, 1995, vol. 1 [of 2]: Les astres et les mythes: la description du ciel; ed. by Bakhouche et al.
pp. 159-182
Montpellier: Publications de la recherch, Université Paul Valéry
Bottéro J...Mesopotamia: Writing, Reasoning, and the Gods[no parental ref.]
Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press
Bottéro J...Mésopotamie: L’écriture, la raison et les dieux[no parental ref.]
Paris: Éditions Gallimard
Bottéro JMythes et rites de Babylone
pp. 100-112
Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, IVe Section, Sciences historiques et philologiques, nr 328
Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion
Bottéro JLe substitut royal et son sort en Mésopotamie ancienneAkkadica: Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, vol. 9 ()
pp. 2-24
Brussels: Assyriological Center Georges Dossin
Bouché-Leclercq A[Untitled]Journal des savants, ser. newseries, vol. 5 ()
pp. 564-566
Paris: Imprimerie Nationale
Bouché-Leclercq AL’astrologie grecque
ch.: II: L’Astrologie Chaldéenne, pp. 35-71
[no parental ref.]
Paris: Ernest Leroux
Bourdais PDates sur la sphère céleste des Chaldéo-AssyriensJournal asiatique: ou recueil de mémoires, d’extraits et de notices relatifs à l’histoire, à la philosophie, aux langues et à la littérature des peuples orientaux [JA], ser. 9 (), nr 5
pp. 142-152
Paris: Ernest Leroux
Bowen A[Untitled]Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of the Center for Archaeoastronomy, vol. 9 (), nr 1-4
pp. 187-194
College Park, MD: Center for Archaeoastronomy, University of Maryland
Bowen A & Goldstein BLeichty E & Ellis M & Gerardi PMeton of Athens and Astronomy in the Late Fifth Century BCA Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs [Fs Sachs]; ed. by Leichty et al.
[=Occasional publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, nr 9]
pp. 39-81
Philadelphia: The University Museum
Bowen A & Goldstein BSwerdlow NThe Role of Observations in Ptolemy’s Lunar TheoriesAncient Astronomy and Celestial Divination; ed. by Swerdlow
[Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology ser.]
pp. 341-356
Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press
Boyer C[Untitled]Science, vol. 134 (), nr 3494
pp. 1975
Washington D.C.: National Publishing Company
Brack-Bernsen LBagnall R & Brodersen K & Champion C & Erskine A & Huebner SProcedure Texts and Lunar Predictions, BabylonianThe Encyclopedia of Ancient History; ed. by Bagnall et al.; vol. 10 [of 13]
Chichester and Malden: Wiley-Blackwell
Brack-Bernsen LBowen A & Rochberg FThe Empirical Foundation of the Babylonian Mathematical AstronomyAncient Astronomy in Its Mediterranean Context (300 BC-AD 300): A Brill Companion; ed. by Bowen et al.
Leiden: Brill
Brack-Bernsen LDöhring K & Herzhoff B & Wöhrle GEmpirie contra Theorie: Zur Entwicklung und Deutung der babylonischen AstronomieAKAN – Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band VI; ed. by Döhring et al.
[=Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption [AKAN], nr 6]
pp. 7-16
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
Brack-Bernsen LGalter HBabylonische Mondtexte: Beobachtung und TheorieDie Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens; ed. by Galter
[=Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr 3]
pp. 331-358
Graz: RM Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Brack-Bernsen Lvon Gotstedter AKonsistenz zwischen Kolonne Φ und babylonischen Aufzeichnungen der “Luna Four”Ad Radices: Festband zum 50jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften der J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; ed. by von Gotstedter
pp. 45-64
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
  • BM 34034 = LBAT 1285,
  • BM 33066 = 78-11-7.4 = Strm Camb 400 = LBAT 1477
Brack-Bernsen LImhausen A & Pommerening TMethods for Understanding and Reconstructing Babylonian Predicting RulesWritings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Rome and Greece: Translating Ancient Scientific Texts, : Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Rome and Greece; ed. by Imhausen et al.
[=Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, nr 286]
pp. 277-298
Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter
Brack-Bernsen LJones A & Proust C & Steele JOtto Neugebauer’s Visits to Copenhagen and His Connection to DenmarkA Mathematician’s Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science; ed. by Jones et al.
[=Archimedes: New Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, nr 45]
pp. 107-126
New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, and London: Springer Science
Brack-Bernsen LLe Beuf A & Ziółkowski M & Sołtysiak A & Mikocki TAncient and Modern Utilization of the Lunar Data Recorded on the Babylonian Goal-Year TabletsActes de la Vème Conférence Anuelle de la SEAC; ed. by Le Beuf et al.
[Światowit. Supplement series H, Anthropology, Nr. 2 ser.]
pp. 13-39
Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University
Brack-Bernsen LSteele JThe 360-Day Year in MesopotamiaCalendars and Years, : Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East; ed. by Steele
pp. 83-100
Oxford: Oxbow Books
Brack-Bernsen LSteele J & Imhausen APredictions of Lunar Phenomena in Babylonian AstronomyUnder One Sky: Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East; ed. by Steele et al.
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 297]
pp. 5-20
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
  • TU 11,
  • BM 42282+,
  • BM 36782,
  • BM 36747+
Brack-Bernsen LSwerdlow NGoal-Year Tablets: Lunar Data and PredictionsAncient Astronomy and Celestial Divination; ed. by Swerdlow
[Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology ser.]
pp. 149-177
Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press
  • BM 34034 = LBAT 1285,
  • BM 33066 = 78-11-7.4 = Strm Camb 400 = LBAT 1477,
  • BM 34070 = LBAT 1214,
  • TU 11
Brack-Bernsen LThim-Mabrey C & Brack-Bernsen L & Täuber DAstronomische Keilschrifttexte aus dem alten Mesopotamien: Geschichte ihrer Entzifferung und DeutungAtheistischer und jüdisch-christlicher Glaube: Wie wird Naturwissenschaft geprägt?, vol. 2: Naturwissenschaftliche Aussagen und sozial verantwortbare Entscheidungen. Forschungs-Symposium 2009 an der Universität Regensburg; ed. by Thim-Mabrey et al.
pp. 261-300
Norderstedt: Books on Demand
Brack-Bernsen LDer Mond und die Sterne in BayblonMitteilungen der mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg [Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg], vol. 33 ()
pp. 47-77
Hamburg: Mathematische Gesellschaft in Hamburg
Brack-Bernsen LPrediction of Days and Pattern of the Babylonian Lunar SixArchiv für Orientforschung: Internationale Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom Vorderen Orient [AfO], vol. 52 ()
pp. 156-178
Vienna: Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO)/Institut für Orientalistik
Brack-Bernsen LDer babylonische Kalender@conferenceURL
Brack-Bernsen LPrediction of Days and Pattern of the Babylonian Lunar Six@unpublished#bernsen2008predictionBrack-Bernsen.L:2008_Predictiondaysand
Brack-Bernsen LThe “Days in Excess” from MUL.APIN: On the “first intercalation” and “water clock” schemes from MUL.APINCentaurus: International Magazine of the Historyof Science and Medicine, vol. 47 (), nr 1
pp. 1-29
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
Brack-Bernsen LThe Path of the Moon, the Rising Points of the Sun, and the Oblique Great Circle on the Celestial SphereCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 45 (), nr 1-4
pp. 16-31
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • LBAT 1494,
  • LBAT 1495,
  • TU 11,
  • BM 96258,
  • BM 96293
Brack-Bernsen L[Untitled]
Archiv für Orientforschung: Internationale Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom Vorderen Orient [AfO], vol. 48/49 ()
pp. 244-247
Vienna: Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO)/Institut für Orientalistik
Brack-Bernsen LÜber den Ursprung des TierkreisesAKAN – Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band X
[=Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption [AKAN], nr 10]
pp. 7-11
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
Brack-Bernsen L[Untitled]
Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society, vol. 90 (), nr 4
pp. 798-799
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Brack-Bernsen LZur Entstehung der Babylonischen Mondtheorie: Beobachtung und theoretische Berechnung von MondphasenBoethius: Texte und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften [Boethius], nr 40
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
Brack-Bernsen LBabylonische Astronomie: Teilgebiet der Mesopotamischen Weisheit und dennoch exakte NaturwissenschaftBerichte aus dem IBZ
[=Berichte aus dem Internationalen Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft – eine Auswahl der Veranstaltungen [Berichte / IBZ], nr 1]
Munich: Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft
Brack-Bernsen LOn the Babylonian Lunar Theory: A Construction of Column Φ from Horizontal ObservationsCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 33 (), nr 1
pp. 39-56
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • /
Brack-Bernsen LSome Investigations on the Ephemerides of the Babylonian Moon Texts, System ACentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 24 (), nr 1
pp. 36-50
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • /
Brack-Bernsen L[Untitled]. Reprints and New Editions Centaurus: International Magazine of the Historyof Science and Medicine, vol. 20 (), nr 4
pp. 327-329
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
Brack-Bernsen L & Brack MAnalyzing Shell Structure from Babylonian and Modern Times International Journal of Modern Physics, ser. E, vol. 13 (), nr 1
pp. 247-260
Singapur: World Scientific Publishing
  • LBAT 1285,
  • TU 11
Brack-Bernsen L & Hunger HYano MBM 42282+42294 and the Goal-Year MethodSCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences, vol. 9 ()
pp. 3-23
Brack-Bernsen L & Hunger HYano MTU 11: A Collection of Rules for the Prediction of Lunar Phases and of Month LengthsSCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences, vol. 3 ()
pp. 3-90
  • AO 6455,
  • TU 11
Brack-Bernsen L & Hunger HOn the “Atypical Astronomical Cuneiform Text E”: A mean value scheme for predicting lunar attitude
Archiv für Orientforschung: InternationaleZeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom VorderenOrientInternationaleZeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom VorderenOrient [AfO], vol. 51 ()
pp. 96-107
Vienna: Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO)/Institut für Orientalistik
  • BM 41004
Brack-Bernsen L & Hunger HThe Babylonian Zodiac: Speculations on its invention and significanceCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 41 (), nr 4
pp. 280-292
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • TU 11,
  • W 22704,
  • W 22619.9,
  • LBAT 1494,
  • LBAT 1495
Brack-Bernsen L & Hunger H & Walker CRoss MKUR – When the Old Moon Can Be Seen a Day LaterFrom the Banks of the Euphrates: Studies in Honor of Alice Louise Slotsky [Fs Slotsky]; ed. by Ross
pp. 1-6
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns
  • BM 37110
Brack-Bernsen L & Schmidt OOn the Foundations of the Babylonian Column Φ: Astronomical Significance of Partial Sums of the Lunar FourCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 37 (), nr 3
pp. 183-209
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • TU 11
Brack-Bernsen L & Schmidt OBisectable Trapezia in Babylonian MathematicsCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 33 (), nr 1
pp. 1-38
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • AO 17264
Brack-Bernsen L & Steele JBurnett C & Hogendijk J & Plofker K & Yano MBabylonian Mathemagics: Two Mathematical Astronomical-Astrological TextsStudies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree [Fs Pingree]; ed. by Burnett et al.
[=Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, nr 54]
pp. 95-125
Leiden: Brill
  • BM 36995,
  • BM 96258,
  • BM 96293
Brack-Bernsen L & Steele JEclipse Prediction and the Length of the Saros in Babylonian AstronomyCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 47 (), nr 3
pp. 181-206
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 45861,
  • TU 11
Brack-Bernsen L & Walker CKöhlbach M & Prochazka S & Selz G & Lohlker RBM 57980: A Wrong Version of the Excellent Predicting Rule RWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes [WZKM], vol. 97 () [Festschrift für Hermann Hunger zum 65. Geburtstag: gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern [Fs Hunger]]
pp. 35-41
Vienna: Verlag des Instituts für Orientalistik
  • BM 57980
Brandis D & Schuster ASüßwasserkrabben und das Sternbild Krebs: Kulturgeschichte der Süßwasserkrabben in den mesopotamischen HochkulturenNatur und Museum: Bericht der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung [NuM], vol. 129 (), nr 3
pp. 73-82
Frankfurt/Main: Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
Braun-Holzinger EDie Ikonographie des Mondgottes in der Glyptik des III. Jahrtausends v.Chr.Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie [ZA], vol. 83 ()
pp. 119-135
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Bregstein L[Untitled]Journal of the American Oriental Society [JAOS], vol. 118 (), nr 1
pp. 91-92
New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society
Bremner RGalter HThe Shadow Length Table in Mul.ApinDie Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens; ed. by Galter
[=Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr 3]
pp. 367-382
Graz: RM Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Bremner RThe Beginnings of Astronomy

Bretagnon P & Simon JPlanetary Programs and Tables from -4000 To +2800[no parental ref.]
Richmond, VA: Willmann-Bell
de Breucker GMacDonald A & Twomey M & Reinink GBerossos and the Mesopotamian Temples as Centre of Knowledge during the Hellenistic PeriodLearned Antiquity: Scholarship and Society in the Near East, the Greco-Roman World, and the Early Medieval West; ed. by MacDonald et al.
[=Groningen Studies in Cultural Change, nr 5]
pp. 13-23
Leuven: Peeters Publishers
Brinkman JBrinkman J & Daniels P & Llewellyn JChronologies of the Near East 3500-2000 B.C.: The Sixtieth Anniversary Symposium of the Oriental InstituteThe Oriental Institute Annual Report 1979-1980 [Annual Report 1979-80]; ed. by Brinkman et al. [OI Annual Reports]
ch.: IV (Scholarship), pp. 55-62
Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Brinkman JBM 36761, the Astronomical Diary for 331 BC
Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires [NABU] (), iss. 3, nr 63
pp. 34
  • BM 36761
Brinkman JA Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 B.C.Analecta Orientalia: Commentationes Scientificae de Rebus Orientis Antiqui [AnOr], nr 43
Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute
Britton JBerggren J & Goldstein BThe Structure and Parameters of Column ΦFrom Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact Sciences Presented to Asger Aaboe on His 65. Birthday, 26 April 1987 [Fs Aaboe]; ed. by Berggren et al.
[=Acta Historica Scientiarum Naturalium et Medicinalium, nr 39]
pp. 23-36
Copenhagen: University Library
Britton JBurnett C & Hogendijk J & Plofker K & Yano MAn Early Observation Text for Mars: HSM 1899.2.112 (= HSM 1490)Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree [Fs Pingree]; ed. by Burnett et al.
[=Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, nr 54]
pp. 33-55
Leiden and Boston: Brill
Britton JGalter HScientific Astronomy in Pre-Seleucid BabyloniaDie Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens; ed. by Galter
[=Grazer Morgenländische Studien, nr 3]
pp. 61-76
Graz: RM Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Britton JRoss MRemarks on Strassmaier Cambyses 400From the Banks of the Euphrates: Studies in Honor of Alice Louise Slotsky [Fs Slotsky]; ed. by Ross
pp. 7-34
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns
  • BM 33066 = 78-11-7.4 = Strm Camb 400 = LBAT 1477
Britton JSteele JCalendars, Intercalations and Year-Lengths in Mesopotamian AstronomyCalendars and Years, vol. 1 [of 2]: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East; ed. by Steele
pp. 115-132
Oxford: Oxbow Books
Britton JSteele J & Imhausen ATreatments of Annual Phenomena in Cuneiform SourcesUnder One Sky: Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East [AOAT 297]; ed. by Steele et al.
[=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 297]
pp. 21-78
Münster: Ugarit-Verlag
  • BM 45728,
  • BM 36731,
  • W 22801 + W 205,
  • U 107,
  • U 124,
  • BM 36712,
  • BM 36822,
  • BM 41985,
  • BM 55555 = ACT 210
Britton JSwerdlow NLunar Anomaly in Babylonian AstronomyAncient Astronomy and Celestial Divination; ed. by Swerdlow
[Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology ser.]
pp. 187-254
Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press
Britton JWunsch CRemarks on BM 37361Mining the Archives: Festschrift for Christopher Walker on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday [Fs Walker]; ed. by Wunsch
[=Babylonische Archive, nr 1]
pp. 35-36
Dresden: ISLET-Verlag
Britton JStudies in Babylonian Lunar Theory III: The Introduction of the Uniform ZodiacArchive for History of Exact Sciences [AHES], vol. 64 (), nr 6
pp. 617-663
New York, Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Science
  • BM 33552,
  • BM 33801 = ACT 811,
  • BM 36321,
  • BM 36599,
  • BM 36609,
  • BM 36651,
  • BM 36722 = Atyp K,
  • BM 36737 + BM 36850 + BM 47912,
  • BM 36822,
  • BM 36833,
  • BM 36910,
  • BM 37053,
  • BM 37266 = Atyp F,
  • BM 41004 = Atyp E,
  • BM 45674 = H5-56,
  • BM 46083,
  • BM 53282 ,
  • MNB 1856 = Atyp H,
  • ACT 816
Britton JStudies in Babylonian Lunar Theory II: Treatments of Lunar AnomalyArchive for History of Exact Sciences [AHES], vol. 63 (), nr 4
pp. 357-431
New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Science
  • BCM 1845A,
  • BM 34581,
  • BM 36311,
  • 80-6-17.37 + 80-6-17.321,
  • BM 36599 + BM 36737 + BM 47912,
  • BM 36699 = 80-6-17.431 + 80-6-17.586 + 80-6-17.649 + 80-6-17.825 + 80-6-17.1642,
  • BM 51261,
  • BM 36705 = 80-6-17.437+,
  • BM 36737,
  • BM 36755,
  • BM 36822,
  • BM 51261,
  • BM 51262,
  • BM 77224 + BM 77256,
  • BM 92685 = DT 78
Britton JStudies in Babylonian Lunar Theory I: Empirical Elements for Modeling Lunar and Solar AnomaliesArchive for History of Exact Sciences [AHES], vol. 61 (), nr 2
pp. 83-145
New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Science
  • 65851/3d,
  • 6585d+1171/2° = BM 45861,
  • BM 33066 = 78-11-7.4 = Strm Camb 400 = LBAT 1477,
  • BM 35115 = ADRT 5.3,
  • BM 36311,
  • BM 36599,
  • BM 36705,
  • BM 36712,
  • BM 36713,
  • BM 36731,
  • BM 36737+,
  • BM 36822 ,
  • BM 36822+,
  • BM 38414,
  • BM 38462,
  • BM 41985 = ADRT 5.1 = LBAT 1413,
  • BM 45728,
  • BM 55554 = ADRT 5.49,
  • TU 11
Britton J[Untitled]Journal for the History of Astronomy [JHA], vol. 36 (), nr 2
pp. 235-237
London: Science History Publications
Britton JOn Corrections for Solar Anomaly in Babylonian Lunar TheoriesCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 45 (), nr 1-4 [Festschrift Goldstein [Fs Goldstein]]
pp. 46-58
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 38622 = 80-6-17.561 + 80-6-17.766,
  • BM 36311 = 80-6-17.37 + 80-6-17.321,
  • BM 36705 + BM 37474 = 80-6-17.437 + 80-6-17.458 + 80-6-17.1241
Britton JRemarks on a System A Text for Venus: ACT 1050Archive for History of Exact Sciences [AHES], vol. 55 (), nr 6
pp. 525-554
New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Science
  • BM 36599,
  • BM 36737,
  • BM 47912
Britton JLight on the East: Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia. Hermann Hunger and David PingreeJournal for the History of Astronomy [JHA], vol. 32 (), nr 2
pp. 169-170
London: Science History Publications
Britton JPlanetary Theory in BabylonJournal for the History of Astronomy [JHA], vol. 29 (), nr 4
pp. 381-385
London: Science History Publications
Britton JModels and Precision: The Quality of Ptolemy’s Observations and ParametersSources and Studies in the History and Philosophy of Classical Science, nr 1
New York and London: Garland Publishing
Britton JA Table of 4th Powers and Related Texts from Seleucid Babylon
Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], vol. 43/45 ()
pp. 71-87
Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research
  • BM 55557
Britton JA Tale of 2 Cycles: Remarks on Column ΦCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 33 (), nr 1
pp. 57-69
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • /
Britton JAn Early Function for Eclipse Magnitudes in Babylonian AstronomyCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 32 (), nr 1
pp. 1-52
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • BM 36599 + BM 36941,
  • BM 36737 + BM 36850 + BM 47912
Britton JPtolemy’s Determination of the Obliquity of the EclipticCentaurus: International Magazine of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 14 (), nr 1 [Festschrift for Otto Neugebauer [Fs Neugebauer]]
pp. 29-41
Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers
  • Almagest,
  • Ptolemy
Britton JOn the Quality of Solar and Lunar Observations and Parameters in Ptolemy’s Almagest[no parental ref.]
New Haven, CT
Britton J & Huber PKöhlbach M & Prochazka S & Selz G & Lohlker RA Lunar Six Text from 591 BCWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes [WZKM], vol. 97 () [Festschrift für Hermann Hunger zum 65. Geburtstag: gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern [Fs Hunger]]
pp. 213-217
Vienna: Verlag des Instituts für Orientalistik
  • BM 33066 = 78-11-7.4 = Strm Camb 400 = LBAT 1477,
  • BM 38414,
  • BM 55554
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  • BM 134701 = 1965-10-14.1,
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Rome: Gregorian Biblical Press
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London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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pp. 16-36
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology [PSBA], vol. 15 ()
pp. 317-342
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
Brown Jr. REuphratean Stellar Researches: Part III
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pp. 456-470
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 41 (), nr 1027
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London: Academy Publishing Co., etc.
Brown Jr. RRemarks on the Euphratean Astronomical Names of the Signs of the Zodiac
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pp. 246-271
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
Brown Jr. RRemarks on the Tablet of the Thirty Stars: Part I
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pp. 137-152
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
Brown Jr. RRemarks on the Tablet of the Thirty Stars: Part II
Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology [PSBA], vol. 12 ()
pp. 180-206
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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London: Academy Publishing Co., etc.
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pp. 145-151
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
Brown Jr. ROn Euphratean Names of the Constellation Ursa Major
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pp. 127-130
London: Society of Biblical Archæology
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The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art, vol. 31 (), nr 769
pp. 79
London: Academy Publishing Co., etc.
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Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner
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pp. 55-80
Leipzig: Otto Schulze
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Leipzig: Otto Schulze
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Schaffhausen: Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft
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Turnhout: Brepols Publishers
van Buren EThe Seven Dots in Mesopotamian Art and their MeaningArchiv für Orientforschung [AfO],&